Duns: your response to my post about social ecology confirms what is evidently the view of many on this Board: Your knowledge of philosophy does not extend to anything pratical, despite your pretentions to rationality. I am busy with work and don't have time now to respond in detail, but I'll get back to you. It won't be hard.
For now let me say that I did not "exhalt creation" - I advocated examining all of nature in order to understand the place of humanity within the global eco-system and better understand human nature (yes, I believe there is such a thing as human nature and we do not need to resort to mysticism, god or metaphysics to understand it).
Further, social ecology by no means vitiates the qualitative differences between humanity and other species. It is patently obvious that mankind has evolved mental capacities far beyond any other species, but social ecology rejects the simplistic idea that this implies a "superiority" of man over the rest of nature. Social ecology recognizes the fact that nature is full of qualitative differences, but that this diversity naturally gives rise to unity in diversity, not to hierarchies such as have been developed in the comparatively recent history of humanity.
Finally, dialectical processes are evident throughout nature, and in a "normal" relationship between man and nature. It is quite accurate to speak of nature "intending" certain things, including for humanity although not in the metaphysical sense that you imply. I'll expand on that later.
Please help yourself to a free piece of pie on the way out.